Connor went on his first date with my good friends granddaughter, Tracy Mae or as Connor calles her "Macy Mae". Here it looks like they were having a good time because this is before we attempted to ride any rides. We took them on a little ride with balloons and Connor was fine but Tracy Mae was not having a good time and was really upset about the hole thing. Connor was fine and was trying to comfort little Tracy Mae but it didn't work. So we took them over to a less intense ride and Tracy Mae wanted nothing to do with it so they took her off the ride. Connor started to freak out because he was on there all alone and so he freaked out and I got him off the ride. After that neither Tracy Mae nor Connor would go an any other rides. So there date was over as quick as it started.
However later that night I ended up taking Connor into the After Hour Clinic because he just wasn't acting like himself. Sure enough Connor had ever right to be upset, he had Brociolist. Which explains alot about how he was acting that week. I am happy to report that he now is back to his normal sweet Connor self. I think we will try to send him on a second date somewhere not so intense. hahaha