We all must have been very good kiddos this year. Santa came and spoiled us all rotten:) We had a very wonderful Christmas this year. I hope you all did too! This year we feel very blessed and we are looking forward to all that 2011 has in store for us.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Christmas At The Hugo House 2010
We all must have been very good kiddos this year. Santa came and spoiled us all rotten:) We had a very wonderful Christmas this year. I hope you all did too! This year we feel very blessed and we are looking forward to all that 2011 has in store for us.
A tradition that my grandma Atkinson did every Christmas, was had a live nativity scene with all the grandkids. Grandma is now gone but my mom still continues that tradition and this is Connor as a shepard. Abbi was supposed to be the angel but becasue Connor was a shepard Abbi had to be a shepard as well.:)
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Abbi and Her Boots!
These are an old pair of Connor's boots and Abbi found them in a box and will not take them off. I have to admit they are pretty cute:) She even wears them with her little dresses. I think that she likes them because she can take them on and off her self, and they are lined with a soft material so they are probably really warm and cozy
The Great Pumpkin Patch!!!
We went to Linder Farms this year and let the kids pick out pumpkins and it was such great time. Grandma Karla went along for the adventure as well. It was the firs ttime we had ever been to Linder Farms but I am sure it will not be the last. They had hayrides, a petting zoo (that had a camel, goats, pigs ect. and you even got to feed them) a corn maze, haymaze, corn box (which was Connor's favorite) and much more. The kids got to go out and pick their own pumpkin and fill the wheelbarrel.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Connor's First Day of Preschool
Well it is offical...I have a child in school. Connor had his first day of preschool today. He has been so excited for this day for months and it is finally here. Mom on the other hand, is having a little harder time. He is at school right now and I just keeping thinking about all the things that I might have forgotten. They said everything is provided but what if I missed some fine print about SOMETHING!!! I am a nervious wreck:)I know he is in good hands and that he will be fine but it's just hard to let go.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Justin's Many Projects
This weekend Justin decided that we needed to organize the garage. So off he went we worked Sunday evening and all day Monday and got all the shelves built. Then this morning Justin and I got everything orgainized and now everything has a place. Connor really enjoyed riding his bike around with all the open space. I love how well it looks and all the room I have now to get the kids in and out of their car seats. Stay tuned for more of Justins great projects:)
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Honey Do's
Justin has been in and out of work since July which has really in alot of ways been sucha blessing. He was able to spend alot of time with Austin while he was here, he has really got to spend alot of quality time with me and the kids, he has been a huge help around the house and my absolute favorte part, all my "honey-do's" get done. I saw a spice rack I really liked in a magaize and I told Justin that I wanted it, he said "I can build you one better than that one for alot less". I said "well great! lets do it". That was over a year ago. He just never had the time to do it. Until now! I love my new spice rack!!! He really thought it all out. He measured all my spice bottles to customize all the different sizes and to make sure the shelves were big enough to fit the big bottles from costco and the little bottles for baking. I posted it on my facebook page and alot of my "friends" wanted one also. My bestfriend asked if there was any way she could borrow him for a few days, she has some projects for him:) I am working on quite the "honey do" list for him. I have asked him to build the kids a play kitchen for their Christmas present. I will keep you all posted on the progress of that project. I am so impressed with my spice rack that I absolutely can not wait to see his ideas for the kids kitchen.
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Happy Anniversary!!!
After 4 years of marriage I got a wedding ring!!!! I love it! We had a wonderful anniversary. We rented a hotel room at the hotel that Justin's sister, Teresa, works at and got an amazing deal on an amazing room. We went out to P.F. Changs for dinner and took some time and strolled around down town Boise. Then went and did alittle shopping for the kids and picked up my RING!!!! It was an amazing get away and it has been an amazing four years. Four years really isn't along time but when you think about all the big live changing events that have happened in the last four years it is really amazing. In four years we have moved three times, had 2 children (One of which 11 weeks early and spent 60 days in the NICU), the passing of a family pet, the gaining a family pet, becoming a first time home owner, Justin graduating form the Electrical Appreniceship Program, me starting my own busniess and so much more. What an amazing journey!!!! We are truely gratefull for all our many many blessings.
Connor the Farmer
Connor's carrots are growing and growing. He is so proud of his carrots and loves to share them with mom, dad, grandma, grandpa and sometimes even sissy:). They are actually really good carrots. I have made quite a few different things with them and they really have good flavor. I have steamed them, made soups and stews with them and cooked them along with roasts. Everyone really seems to enjoy "Connor's Carrots"
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Summer is Coming to an End
Well we are down to our last week here with Austin. He will leave next Saturday the 7th. I am planning a "Goodbye Austin and Happy Birthday Justin Party" for this Thursday. Justin has been layed off this week and so I've been trying to pick up the slack and I worked my butt off this week. Because of working so much I haven't had time to even think about this party. Last night Justin had his company party at the Hawk Statium so we all went to that. Shortly into the game Abbi and Connor decidied that baseball game wasn't as fun as Justin and Austin thought it was. I took the kids and finally got to go on the much needed Party Shopping Trip. In just under 2 hours I got birthday present and all the food needed. I really booked it to get it all done before the game was over and/or the store closed but I made it! Austin really enjoyed the game, It went into extra innings, he catch a foul ball, got it signed by alot of the players and "a cute girl complemeted me" :) He said it was the best baseball game he had even been too. It is going to be really hard on all of us to have Austin go home.
Tuesday, July 27, 2010
Connor's Mohawk
Justin has been wanting to give Connor a mohawk all summer but I told him we had to wait until after family pictures. We got our family pictures done over a week ago so I couldn't stall any longer. Here is Connor's summer mohawk. It is awfully cute but I am also glad that it is just hair and it will grow back.
P.S. Please ignore the messy face:)
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Lily's First Day Home
Lily is home!!!! We went and got her yesterday and she has already been a fun addition to the family. She cried the whole way home in the car and it was so cute! She has really warmed up to Austin or maybe the other way around:) Austin woke up at 7:30 this morning because she was wimpering. That is the earliest he has woke up the whole time he has been here. He really watches out for her and makes sure she has food and water, plays with her and watches over her to make sure Abbi and Connor aren't too hard on her. All of which we have never asked him to do. As you can tell by the picture I think she feels at home with our family.
Saturday, July 17, 2010
Rocking Out!!!
Monday, July 12, 2010
The Two That Started It All
As most of you know Justin past his journeymens test this Spring so for the first time in 5 year Justin is not getting ready to start up school again. I have definately filled the time that he normally used for school/homework with "honey-do's". Justin has already built me a spice rack for my kitchen and helped with a yard sale. Stay tuned for more of Justins great projects.:) He is such a great sport.
This next year for Kara... Probably just the normal hussel and bussel of making sure everyone and everything is taken care of.
Saturday, July 10, 2010
Momma Steals a Kiss
Friday, July 9, 2010
The Newest Member of the Hugo Family
This is Lilly (at least that is what we think she is going to be named, it is still kind of open to discussion) She is 5 weeks old and is not quite old enough to leave her mommy. We picked her out about 2 weeks ago. The breader said that in most cases the dogs pick their owner. I think this is pretty true with Lilly. She kept coming up to us, especially Justin, and crawling in our laps and licking our hands and feet. Abbi at first was not real into the whole dog thing but today while we were there she really warmed up to Lilly and the other puppies too. Connor is so excited for the "puppy to grow big" so we can bring her home. She will be able to come and be a real part of the Hugo family on the 19 of July.
Abbi's Silly Faces
Abbi has this new thing with Justin. They sit and make faces at eachother. This is just one of the funny faces I could catch with the camera. She has always been such a momma's girl but lately she has been warming up to dear old dad. Which I have to admit I am alittle jealous, I liked being the favorite for once. :) Connor from day one has been a huge daddy's boy so I liked having "my" baby, but as you can see, she is really not much of a baby anymore. She is 17 months, where has the time gone?
Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Connor's Carrots
This Spring the Easter Bunny brought Connor a package of carrot seeds. So Connor planted them. Connor has been a great like gardener and has watered, weeded and watched over his little section of the garden for the last few months and today we decided they looked big enough to eat and they are mighty delicious. This is the first hand full but there are alot more so look forward to more post of Connor Easter Bunny Carrots!
Monday, June 28, 2010
Connor's First Date!
Connor went on his first date with my good friends granddaughter, Tracy Mae or as Connor calles her "Macy Mae". Here it looks like they were having a good time because this is before we attempted to ride any rides. We took them on a little ride with balloons and Connor was fine but Tracy Mae was not having a good time and was really upset about the hole thing. Connor was fine and was trying to comfort little Tracy Mae but it didn't work. So we took them over to a less intense ride and Tracy Mae wanted nothing to do with it so they took her off the ride. Connor started to freak out because he was on there all alone and so he freaked out and I got him off the ride. After that neither Tracy Mae nor Connor would go an any other rides. So there date was over as quick as it started.
However later that night I ended up taking Connor into the After Hour Clinic because he just wasn't acting like himself. Sure enough Connor had ever right to be upset, he had Brociolist. Which explains alot about how he was acting that week. I am happy to report that he now is back to his normal sweet Connor self. I think we will try to send him on a second date somewhere not so intense. hahaha
The "brand new bike"
It is really sweet to see them getting along so well. It isn't always the case, I am sorry to report. So when I saw them playing so well I had to get a picture of it!!!! haha
Also this is Connor's "brand new bike" as he calles it. It is a hand-me-down from his cousin Jake. Boy does he love it!!!! He really feels like a big boy on it. Now Abbi has taken over Connor's little tricycle, so everyone at the Hugo house has benefited from the little hand-me-downs.
Abbi's Pool
Friday, June 11, 2010
Sunday, June 6, 2010
Abbi Really Enjoyed Herself!!!!
Saturday I was busy paying bills and cleaning house. I noticed that Connor was in the back yard. I would check on him from time to time and watch him play, but I never saw Abbi so I figured Justin must have layed her down for her nap. Apparently Justin had let her outside to play as well. She really enjoyed herself and was quite proud of the mess she had made.
Friday, June 4, 2010
Happy Birthday to Me!
Well thanks to my wonderful husband I am the proud owner of a new computer!!! For the past few months we have been having problem after problem with our home computer and we knew that it was time to retire our old. Justin and Connor had gone to the store, bought it and got it all up and running by the time I got home last night and I am really enjoying it already. Thank you Justin, Connor and Abbi. You guys are great!
Monday, March 15, 2010
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Abbi's Big News!!!!
Unfortunately my home computer crashed so I wasn't able to post this news earlier but on Saturday, Feburary 6. Abbi started walking!!!!!! With help and a little push from Justin she got it. She still perfers to crawl because it is much faster for her. Justin and I were watching my girlfriends kids and her youngest is about 6 weeks younger than Abbi and he has been walking for about a month now. Justin didn't like the idea of his daughter being showed up, so while I was at work he worked and worked and worked with her until she got it. I was a little upset that he pushed her to take those first steps without me but I am glad that she is doing it on her own. What a happy time!
Tuesday, February 2, 2010
Swimmimg Lessons
Yesterday Connor had his very first day of swimming lessons and he LOVED it. He is by far the youngest in the class but he really keeps up well with the other kids. It was so fun to watch him learn and to watch him get so excited. He thought that he was pretty grown up being in the water without Mom and Dad. After swim lessons Justin took him into the locker room to shower and change and he told his daddy that " I love swimming lessons and my teacher is really nice". I am so glad that he is learning this very valueable skill. Maybe he will enjoy swimming as much as I did at his age.
Thursday, January 28, 2010
The Potty Update!
Well it has been a full week of the "big boy underwear" and over all the potty training has been a sucess. With only a few accidents and only a few messes to clean up. He is almost fully potty trained. We just need to figure out how to get him to be better about telling us when is has to go. If we remind him or ask him to go he will but he rarely tells us when he needs to go. I am already rejoicing that my diaper bill has been cut in half!!!
Monday, January 25, 2010
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