Sunday, January 16, 2011

Potty Training Failure!:(

I was recommended this 3 day potty training boot camp. One of my girlfriends tried it and had great success. I read all the reviews and researched it. My thoughts were "wow this will be a hard weekend but it's just one weekend and it will so be worth it." It was actually really a big sacrifice to make it fit into the weekend. Justin even took a day off work on Friday. Three days of no makeup and no shower. Justin nor I got much sleep for the last 2 nights. Grandma and Grandpa even kept Connor for the majority of the weekend so that we could really consentrate on Abbi and really make this work.

Well here we are at the end of the 3 day potty training boot camp and Abbi is now back in her diaper. I guess I really shouldn't complain that my little girl wants to stay a baby alittle longer but I was just really looking forward to NO diapers for a little while at least:) OH well I have been changing diapers for 4 years what's a few more months or so.

1 comment:

  1. I've heard of that, but haven't tried it. I'm thinking I will in a few months with my youngest. My first was so easy to potty train, I wondered what all the fuss was about...then my second decided he wanted nothing to do with it and it took so many tries, I've lost count. He finally decided when he was ready, and that was the key-I just couldn't push him and had to let him do it on his own terms and in his own time. It was really hard having 2 in diapers and realizing that I've had to buy diapers for the past 6 years, but it's so worth it when they realize they've accomplished something so important. Hang in there!
